Thursday, June 4, 2015

Time to come back

The first time I made break I was away from blog for a year
Now, it is more than two.
Next one will probably be three
or I will never stop
Who knows?

First things first and back on the track:

I live in the house now
I live with the man I love
I will marry him in September
(when is the time when weddings happen)

I have what is known as good job
(basically lots and lots creativity and paid well)

I am submitting my thesis at the end of the month
(Narrative Inquiry blah parent blah blah)
If you want to know what I learned, read it!
Or ask me.

I met Neil Gaiman and he is a nice person.
I discovered Laurie Penny and fell in love with her words.
I still adore Tori Amos
and am sure I saw Nick Cave when I was in Brighton last year.
I discovered this fantastic man as well

My social circles became more hexagon-like
With some people gone, some reappearing and some slowly dissolving into past.
There also seem to be much more people who play paintball.
I blame man I love for that.

Ah yes, I am published author now as well.
And passionate cyclist up and down Bristol's hills

People change, yes.
I don't even smoke anymore.
I haven't for a year.

People become, as well.

I'm back to find out what I've become.